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Writer's pictureTradition: A Story From Glengarry

Thank you Glengarry!

We got through our summer filming because of you! #glengarryproud

Sorry for the delay in communication everyone, but it was one heck of a busy summer getting the word out. Filming throughout the county and capturing the 2022 Glengarry Highland Games 😊🤗🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇨🇦 As this being a one man show I had to put down the social media for a bit to concentrate on the filming and of course now that little thing called life.

I wanted to take this time to humbly thank all of the supporters for the project so far. First of all my wife Shannon Flynn who gave up the past 3+ straight months of my time energy and mental capacity towards the project (from editing to crowdfunding to leaving for three weeks on an unpaid passion project 😬) My mother Wanda Lalonde for being the best production assistant and crowd funder a person can ask for! To all my family and friends who offered / lent me their homes or fed me to keep me going. The countless donors!!! (which there are many I have yet been able to personally thank) we started the mission looking for 1000 people and with all of your support we are down to 472!!! To the hundreds of people I have met throughout the region who helped me understand the area on a different level. From the famers, to the museums, musicians, local media and to even all the countless concerned drivers stopping at the side of the road to make sure Im ok, if I need help or wondering what the heck I am doing with a camera in the middle of a farmers field?

To Eric Metcalfe President of the Glengarry Highland Games for his continuous support being the ultimate champion for the project and the region. To all of the Volunteers of the Glengarry Highland Games for being an inspiration of dedication to ones community, lending their continuous support and being the the proud Glengarrians they are by blaring their pipes for the project all in their own way!

Because of each and every one of you, we definitely were successful in our mission on getting the word out about the project. We were able to capture as much of the pageantry and workings of the 2022 Glengarry Highland Games as we could and met most of our goals this summer. COVID did play quite the ‘speed bump’ in many of the plans. But I will confirm that there will be definitely be ‘A Story From Glengarry’... eventually !

Now yes, as we have not yet met our ultimate fundraising goals and again did not quite factor in the multiple covid relate delays in regards to interviews and downed crews members throughout the summer. I ask everyone for a bit of patience as it will take myself quite a bit of time to wain through the TERABYTES of footage, gather the missing interviews and of course balance back out my own personal life from this of this part of the mission. But at no time will I give up the on getting this project out to the world! So please rest assured and be proud to know that your support has not gone to waist but has played a crucial role on capturing some of the more time sensitive stories before they were gone or passed us by.

To all of those awaiting messages back from me in regards to interviews and or information regarding the project, I thank you for your patience as I am I will be getting back to you all!

As I go silent again for what will seem like quite a long time for some of you, I will be hard at work as the march continues on this multi-year personal mission. Know your support has given me the strength and opportunity to lay out a solid foundation and to ‘break the back’ to eventually be able to complete Tradition: A Story From Glengarry.

This 'wee' idea could have not of gotten this far with out each and every one of you! And nor will I every forget the power and spirit of Glengarry County Ontario!

Mikey Lalonde

Tradition: A Story From Glengarry

Me stuck in Glen Campbells corn fields, one part of the shoot that we maybe can forget lol.



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